
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Kankakee River State Park

Living in what is affectionately (?) called by me JoShoreField (Joliet utilities, thisclose to Shorewood, and a Plainfield address), is the close proximity to I-80, I-55 and I-57.  Today was a quick one hour ride to Kankakee River State Park.

I haven't been there is 25-30 years, so it was time to take another trip.  Took Zorro, aka Tubby, with me.  He hasn't been out with me for a few years, since Molly had her knee surgery in March 2011, so it ended up being two 1-mile walks, not a longer hike.

The park itself is quiet and not as crowded as Starved Rock, for example.  Lots of different named areas, all with easy access to the bike trail.  The paths are paved, so it's a good place to bike.  hmmm, maybe another trip is in order with the bike instead with Zorro.  There is a campground, but I didn't inspect it.  Reservations can be booked thru Reserve America.

     Map of the bike trail
The first walk was from the river bluffs area to the trail head.  The second walk was from the suspension bridge over Rock Creek to the pedestal.  Being a typical male, Zorro thought he had to stop at every tree, every branch, every weed, etc, but finally got into the idea of walking, not stopping.  The walks themselves were a good start to breaking in the new hiking shoes.
According to the park's pamphlet, there are 10.5 miles of biking trails, a 3 mile hike on Rock Creek leads to a waterfall and canyons (thanks to Tubby, didn't make it that far), as well as snowmobile trails, 15 miles of cross country trails, and a 12 mile equestrian trail (or as we call them, bridle paths).  Another bucket list item, whenever I retire, get back into horse back riding, maybe renting livery thru the national parks.
     Looking east up the river
     Looking west down the river
      Walking / bike path 
      One of the resting spots
      Still too early for fall colors.  Maybe another 3-4 weeks according to the TV weatherman.
   The Rock Creek path
A little Zorro history ~~~ not quite sure how old Zorro is, maybe 12 at this point.  Adopted him from Chicago Animal Control when, they thought, he was about 1 1/2 years old.  He was a stray that they knew about, but couldn't catch for 6 months.  Saw him at a pet expo at Navy Pier and with so many people and other dogs, he was as calm as could be, the perfect opposite for Molly who always wanted to play and be busy.  Dad always says "he's a good dog for an old guy".  Nothing bothers Zorro, not fireworks, thunderstorms, etc.  He does however, not seem to like German Shepherds for whatever reason.  I think he may have tangled with one when he was a stray.  He's got a round scar on his nose that looks like a bite mark. 
Anyway, during the walks at Kankakee today, he was a perfect gentleman whenever any other dogs went by, including a little dog in a bike basket that threw a fit when it passed.  A gentleman that is, until 2 German Shepherds walked past.  Zorro was ready to go at them.  Hair up on his back included.  Sure wish he could tell me what happened when he was a stray.  It's his only odd flaw.  Well that and his weak belly.  No table scraps for him.


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