Really need to buy a new GPS. I put in the address for Chautauqua and found signs for a state forest. Let's go see!!!
It was dreary and overcast day. Saw some hunters when I first got to the forest, so drove really slow in case any deer came running through.
One of the trails. I'll have to look for a map and think about coming back next summer.
Saw at least 2 campgrounds. This was the horse campground.
The other campground beneath large pines.
On to Chautauqua. I remembered seeing a sign when Mom & I went to Emiquon & Dickson Mounds earlier in the year. Just followed the signs.
I'd say the trail is handicapped accessible. Gravel & boardwalk.
Views from the board walk platforms.
Telescope for wheelchair viewing on the platform
So mad this picture didn't come out. It was something furry sleeping in the tree.
Now on to Emiquon (sign from 1st visit. . .on a nice sunny day).
Lots of American Coots
Still trying to figure this one out. If you know, please tell me! On edit: One of the ladies from the rv forum helped identify. It's a Gadwell. Thanks Birdie!
More coots. Wish I could have gotten a picture of them running on top of the water.
Moraine Hills SP is split in two, divided by River Road. On the west side is the Fox River and the Stratton Lock & Dam. There is also a marsh on this side of the park. Trail length is 2 miles with 2 viewing stands to watch the water fowl.
Looking north up the Fox River.
Sure hope this guy had waders on!
View south on the river
Between the river and the marsh are tall pine trees. Planted since the rows were so straight, but sure smelled good.
Male and a female mallard
More mallards in the muddier part of the marsh
Gulls on the spillway - a little breezy
Painted turtle
Juvenile male mallard
A checkered garter snake - maybe 18" long
From far away I thought these where blue herons, but they are sand hill cranes.
Moraine Hills SP in Illinois is in far north McHenry Country. Really nice paths part crushed limestone part asphalt.
Boardwalk over the wetlands - only wet in parts.
Saw 2 turtles (sorry for being fuzzy, still figuring out macro on new camera). Both were this same color with a long tail and hooked nose. Maybe baby snapping turtles (?)
Two male mallards
Signs said the trail around the lake was 3 3/4 miles. Starting at the nature center (which was closed due to lack of staff) and walking the loop, I think was actually closer to 4 miles because the starting post was about 1/4 miles away from the center. From this section of the trail, about 1/2 mile away.
Very few benches to sit and watch for birds (or turtles or snakes). Wondered if they cut this tree into a chair on purpose.
. . .as well as garter snakes. The snakes came in all sizes. This 7" checkered garter was moving slow (too cold?) or not enough slither power. The largest I saw was about 3' and looked like a common garter snake (with the yellow stripes), but that one was over the path & back to the tall grass before it even registered that he was there.